Holiday in Bali
बाली विनोदयात्रा
Dakshini Marathi Khajana
दक्षिणी मराठी खजाना
Sholinghur Dharshan
शोळिंगूर दर्शन
“Sholinghur Dharshan” was posted in English in by Shri. Gurunandan Balawantha Rao on 07-06-2014.The DM translation is given alongside.
शोलिंगूर. श्री नरसिंह देवाच मूल स्थळ॑. कित्ती वर्णना केलतरीन पुरे होईनाते नरसिंह देव. घटिकाचलम. हे ठिकाणाविषयीं काय सांगणे ? तरीन, मी सांगतों, ते पुण्य क्षेत्राला मी केलते यात्राच विषीन. एक क्षणाच वेळांत॑ अनुभव केलते, एक जन्म पूरा सांगट्ल॑तरीन संपना. नरसिंहाच महिमा, देवाच पूर्णत्व, नुस्त गोष्टांत वर्णना कराला होईना. तरीन सांगतों. अम्च समगमाच पोणावांटा लोक शोळिंगूराला गेल असतील॑. मला हे पहिलेच दर्शन. म्हणजे, तुम्हाला कळानाते काहीं मी सांगाला जात नाही. मझ॑ अनुभव एक-दोन गोष्टांत॑ सांगतों.
हे वार ऑफीसच कामाच व॑र मला शोळिंगूराला जायाच भाग्य मिळ्ळ॑. भरून ठिकाणी फाक्टरी असाच एक प्रसिद्ध कंपनीला जामते होत॑ म्हणून मी तिकडे गेलों. तीन दिवसाच एक "ट्रैनिंग प्रोग्राम" चालिवाला. तीन दिवसीं पूरा वेळीन कामांतेच राहून जाईन म्हणून दर्शन कराला होईल का म्हणून मला संदेह होत॑. दर्शनाच वेळ पाष्टे आठ घंटे धरींगून संध्याकाळी सहा घंटे पर्यंतीन होत॑ ते करतां ऑफीसच काम सोडून डोंगूराच व॑र असाच देऊळाला कस॑ जाणे ? तरीन मनांत देवाला म्हणींगून ऑफीसच काम करेत होतों. डोंगूराच खाले असाच शोलिंगूर पट्ण॑ उजंड ल्हानेच. मी राहत होत॑ ते ठिकाणपणीन डोंगूराच खालेच होत॑. दिवसोडी पाष्टे बाहेर आल॑ की नाही, डोंगूरीं तज व॑रल॑ देऊळींनच डोळेला पहिले पडाच॑. अस॑ तीन दिवसीं मी देऊळाच दर्शन दूरून केलों. "देवा, एवढ॑ जवळ असून पणीं तुज दर्शन कराला झाल नाही की. तू आशीर्वाद केल तर॑ तुला येऊन पाह्याला होईल॑. वाट दाखिव॑, तुज दर्शन कराला" अस॑ म्हणींगेत ऑफीसच कामांत राहलों. दोन दिवस असेच गेल॑. दुसर॑ दिवस संध्याकाळी उत्सव-मूर्तीच दर्शन झाल॑. (ऊर कोविल - इंग्ळीषांत "गामाच आंतल॑ देऊळ" म्हणतात॑ हेला). भक्तवत्चल पेरुमाळ, तसेच श्रीदेवी अणी भूदेवी ह्यंच विग्रह ह्यांत होत॑. हेजीं विना, आदिकेशव पेरुमाळ अणी श्री रंगनाथ स्वामी ह्यांच देऊळ पणीन इकडे आहे. उग्र-नरसिंहा, योग-नरसिंहा, लक्षी-नरसिंहा, अस॑ श्री नरसिंहाच वेगळ॑-वेगळ॑ रूपाच विग्रह पणीन इकडे आहे. तसेच, श्रीरामाचीं श्री हनुमानाचीं विग्रह पणीन देऊळांत एकडे-तिकडे भरून ठिकाणी पाह्वुया. फार सुंदर होऊन कोरून, वास्तु शास्त्राच आधारांत बांधलते भरून देऊळ अम्च देशांत असणे, अम्च एक भाग्य म्हणूनच सांगाम॑. ते अग्गीन देवाकडून अम्हाला मिळ्ळते आहेर म्हणून सांगाम॑. संध्याकाळाच वेळ झाल॑ ते करतां पुळियोदरै, म्हणजे, चिंच भाताच प्रसाद मिळ्ळ॑. वैष्णव देऊळांतल॑ पुळियोदरैला तजेच एक प्रत्येक रूच अस्त॑. कुंभाभिषेक होऊन दोन वार होयाच पुढेच मला दर्शन मिळ्ळते मझ॑ भाग्य म्हणून सांगाम॑.
तिसर॑ दिवस (शनिवार) ऑफीसच काम लोक्कुरच संपल॑. ट्रैनिंगाला आलत्यांच सम्मतांमळे दुपारा तीन बडिवतानाच अम्ही अम्च ऑफीसच कार्यक्रम संपिवलों. समेच(सवेच) हनुमानाच दर्शनाला निघलों. ते देऊळ चिन्न-मलैच (small hill) व॑र आहे. चारशें-वीस पडतोरे (पायरी) वेघाम॑. जप-माला हातांत धरींगून ध्यान करेत असाच रूपांत असाच हनुमानाला इकडे "योग-आंजनेया" म्हणतात॑. शंख-चक्र धरींगट्लते चतुर्भुजाच हे आंजनेयाच विग्रह पूरा साळिग्रामांत केलते. मला कळून चतुर्भुजाच आकारांतल॑ आंजनेयाच दर्शन वेगळ॑ कोठीन मिळना. हनुमानाच दर्शन मला उजंड(उदंड) जवळून मिळ्ळ॑. विग्रहाकडून मी ओठाकलते (होठाकलते) ठिकाण दोन-तीन गजाच दूर पणीन होत नाही. मात्र नहो, तीर्थ देताना अम्हाला थोड वेळ जास्ती तिकडे ओठाकाला सोडले. मी डोंगूराच व॑र जाऊन पावताना देऊळ झांकून होत॑. सुमार तीस मिनिट तिकडे थांबामते पडल॑. चारशे-वीस पायरी (पडतोरे) वेघून आलते श्रमामळे मला आंजनेया थोड विश्राम काढ म्हणून सांगीट्ला की काय की ! दर्शन पूर्त फार प्रमाद होऊन झाल॑ म्हणूनच सांगाम॑. श्री रंगनाथाच अणी श्रीरामाच देऊळ दोनीं आंजनेयाच देऊळाच एकदम समोरच. श्री रंगनाथाच दर्शन उजंड जवळून झाल॑, म्हणजे, हात लावून शिवाच एवढ॑ दूर पणीं नहोत॑. दर्शन झालांपिरी थोड वेळ तिकडेच राह्यलों. नंतर॑, श्री हनुमान स्तोत्र अणी श्री हरि-वायु स्तुती हे दोनीं सांगिट्लांपिरी खाले उतरलों. डोंगूराच खाले उडुपी अडमार मठ आहे अणी इकडेपणीं दर्शन केलों. नरसिंहाच देऊळ सहा घंटेला झांकतील ते करतां तिकडे जायाला झाल नाही. देवालीं आंजनेयालीं मनांत म्हणींगून राह्याच ठिकाणी परतून येऊन पावताना संध्याकाळ साडे-पांच घंटे झाल॑. तद्दी उजंड हिंडलों तरीन, देवाला दर्शन केलतेमळे असूया की काय की, आंगाला थोडक पणीं श्रम वाटल॑ नाही.
अत्ता, श्री नरसिंहाच दर्शन॑. देवाच दर्शन वेगळ॑ कसाच बरोरीं मिळिवताने म्हणून देव निश्चय केला की काय की. ते करतानच पुढल॑ दिवसेच मला आंजनेयाच दर्शन करिवला वाटते. आंजनेयाच आशीर्वादीं अनुमतीहीं काढींगून मला येऊन पाह्यल तर॑ पुरे म्हणून देव सांगट्लतेस्क॑ होत॑. हे अग्गीनमळे, अण्खीन एक दिवस तिकडे राहून देवाच दर्शन कराला निश्चय केलों. पुढेच दोन दफा देवाच दर्शन केल्होतों तरीन तद्दी मझ॑ बाईल पणीं मझ॑ बरोर होती. डोंगूराच खाले असाच श्री वीर-आंजनेयर / श्री भक्त-आंजनेयराच दर्शन करूनटाकून अम्ही अग्गीन व॑र वेघाला आरंभ केलों. हे डोंगूराला "पेरिय-मलै" (big hill) म्हणतात॑. एक हदार तीनशे सहा (1306) पडतोरेच॑ (पायरीच॑) हे डोंगूराच व॑र वेघाला देवाचीं हनुमानाचीं स्वामीचीं दया असलतरेच होईल॑. वाट पूरा हे तीघ्यांचीं स्तोत्र सांगेत होतों. अयितवार झाल॑ त्यां मळे गुंप जास्ती होत॑ अणी तेवढ॑दनीं उजंड भक्तीनिशी वेघत होते. बरोर एक घंटेच वेळांत व॑र जाऊन पावलों. वाटेंत दोन ठिकाणी नंखर विश्राम काढलों विना वेगळ॑ कोठीन थांबलों नाही. मझस्क॑ पहिलें दफा वेघणाराला हे परवा नाही म्हणूया ! मुख्य काय म्हणजे, थोडक पणीन श्रम झाल नाही. ऊर चेंपणे, बड-बड बडिवणे, घट्टी श्वास सोडणे अस॑ काईं झाल नाही. वाट पूरा देवाच नाव काढत होतों. ते करतानच हे साध्य झालते. वेगळ॑ कोण्तीन नहो. सौकर्यांत वेघाजोक्त पडतोरे, तज व॑र छप्पर॑ अस॑ वेघाच वाट पूरा चोक्कोट व्यवस्था केल्होते. व॑र वेघताना दूरून आंजनेयाच डोंगूर दिसत होत॑. तसेच, श्री नरसिंहाच देऊळाच गोपुर पणीन दिसत होत॑. देऊळ जवळ येतां-येतां मनाला फार आनंदीं उत्साहीं वाटेत होत॑. वाटेंत॑ गजेन्द्र मोक्षाचीं देवाच विश्व-रूपाचीं विग्रह पाह्यलों. देऊळाच मुख्य द्वाराकडे पावताना एक प्रत्येक अनुभव वाटलतेस्क॑ होत॑. पूर्त झालते तृप्त का, नाही, मनाच संपूर्ण भाव का, हे मला बरोर विवरण कराला होत नाही. देवाच आज्ञा प्रकार दर्शन केलत्यामळे झालते आश्वास, सार्थक झालते नवस॑, हेच असूया.
नंतर॑ अम्रितवल्लीच दर्शनीं योग-नरसिंहाच दर्शनीं केलों. देवाच दया, अनुग्रह, आशीर्वाद हे अग्गीन अम्हाला मिळ्ळते भाग्य अठींगून मनाला फार तृप्त वाटले. अण्खीन एकदफा असलते अवकाश देव अम्हाला देईल म्हणून प्रार्थना करेत वापस आलों.
This post is about my visit to Sholinghur and dharshan here. Sholinghur – what can one say about this place? The place, very abode of Sri Narasimha – about who there are no words to describe. Ghatikachalam – whatever happened in just a fraction of a second is impossible to be described even if one takes the whole of one’s lifetime. Whatever are the descriptions, they are just words which do not, cannot convey the completeness and greatness of Sri Narasimha. Most of our members have had the opportunity to visit this place quite often. Also, this is my very first visit to this place. That way, there is nothing that Iam going to say, write or express. Will try to consolidate and express.
This week, I was on an official trip to Sholinghur. This trip was to a group of Companies that is quite renowned and has several factories at this place. It was for a training program. With training program lasting the whole day for 3 full days, I was not sure of how and when dharshan would happen. Temple timings are from 8 am to 6 pm. With temple located atop hills, I was not sure of dharshan on working days. But with the faith and confidence of a good dharshan, proceeded with my official agenda. Sholinghur uis a very small place and is located at the foothill of the mountain. The place where I was staying was at the foothill of the temple and daily morning, as I came out of my place of stay, the first dharshan would be of the hill and the temple was visible from where I was staying. It was 3 days that I had dharshan of the hill and temple from a distance. I thought told God “a case of too close but still too far. If you wish and desire, I will be fortunate to have dharshan at your own place. You decide the modalities and guide me accordingly” and proceeded with my official agenda daily. Day 1 and day 2 work went on as per plan. On day 2 evening, had dharshan of Utsava murthy (oor kovil, in English, it goes as “temple within the town limits). The deity here is Sri Bhaktavachala Perumal with his consortes – Sri Devi and Bhu Devi. In addition to this, there are also shrines of Sri AdhiKesava Perumal and Sri Ranganatha. Sculptures of Sri Narasimha in various forms – Ugra Narasimha, Yoga Narasimha, Lakshmi Narasimha, Lord Sri Rama, and of course Sri Hanuman could be seen throughout the temple. Sculptural and architectural beauty / excellence is a boon / God’s gift to our Country. Being evening hours, was fortunate to get prasad (Puliyidharai – chincha bhaath in Vaishnavite temples is unique in its taste) and returned. It is indeed a fortune that I got an opportunity to have dharshan have just within 2 weeks of kumbabishekam.
Day 3 (Saturday) official agenda started a bit early (thanks to the participants who accommodated the request) and got concluded at 3 pm. Immediately proceeded with dharshan of Sri Hanuman. This abode of Sri Hanuman is atop a hill called “Chinna Malai” (small hill). One has to climb around 420 steps to have dharshan of Sri Hanuman. Sri Hanuman here is called Yoga Anjaneyar. Sri Hanuman is in dhyaana posture with a maala in his hand. The deity is made of complete Salagrama. Sri Hanuman is chathur bhuja with sankha and chakra. If Iam right, this is the only place where Sri Hanuman gives dharshan in chathur bhuja form. Was fortunate to have dharshan of Sri Hanuman just a few metres away and was allowed to stand in the shrine for quite a considerable duration and had theertha. When I reached the hill top, the shrine was closed and had to wait for around 30 minutes. Probably, Sri Hanuman wanted me to relax for sometime, having climbed around 420 steps and hence this time gap. Dharshan experience was phenomenal. Just opposite to Sri Hanuman shrine are the shrines of Sri Ranganatha and Sri Rama. Dharshan of Sri Ranganatha was just from a few inches. Having had dharshan here, stayed back for some more time, chanted Sri Hanuman Stotra and Sri Hari Vaayu Sthuthi and climbed down. At the foothill is Udupi Adamar Mutt. Was fortunate to have dharshan here and proceeded to my place of stay. It was almost 5.30 pma dn too late for dharshan of Sri Narasimha as the temple closes at 6 pm. Thus, I thanked Lord and Sri Hanuman for all the kindness and returned to my place of stay. The energy level and freshness after the dharshan is / was so great and high. There was not even an iota of tiredness.
Now comes dharshan of Sri Narasimha. Probably, it was Sri Narasimha’s order that I should get the blessings and approval of Sri Hanuman to have dharshan of Sri Narasimha, also he did not want me to combine his dharshan with any other work and wanted this to be an exclusive activity. Hence, decided to stay back for 1 moe day with no other agenda other than dharshan of Sri Narasimha. My wife also joined me for dharshan today. She has already visited twice and is her third visit / dharshan. We started climbing the hill after dharshan of Sri Veera Anjaneyar / Sri Bhaktha Anjaneyar, situated just at the foothill of Sri Narasimha’s hill. This hill is called “periya malai” (big hill). The steps to be climbed are 1306. For this task of climbing up and having dharshan to happen, it needs the grace and guidance of Sri Hanuman, Sri Swamiji and Sri Narasimha. Started climbing the hill and was chanting Sri Hanuman, Sri Swamiji and Sri Narasimha stotra throughout. Being a Sunday, there was considerable crowd and everyone was climbing with extreme devotion. With avery brief halt at 2 places, we could reach the temple in exactly 1 hour. Not bad for a beginner. The important, significant aspect is, there was no sign tiredness, no palpitation or heavy breath. It is all chanting Sri Hanuman, Sri Swamiji and Sri Narasimha Stotra that makes this possible. Nothingelse. Very good arrangements have been made with steps easy to climb and shelter / rooftop been provided. As we were climbing, we could see the other hill – the abode of Sri Hanuman. As we were climbing, we were also able to see the gopuram of Sri Narasimha temple. As we neared the temple, it was very exciting and also thrilled. On the way, a sculputure depicting Gajendra Moksha and the lord in Vishwaroopa form could be seen. Finally, as we reached the temple main entrance, there was a strange feeling. I do not know how to describe this feeling – sense of completeness, sense of satisfaction? I do not know. Suffice it to say that we were / are happy to have discharged the responsibility / task (of having his dharshan) that the Lord had ordered.
Had excellent dharshan of Amirtha Valli and then Sri Yoga Narasimhar. Dharshan was from very close quarters, just a few metres. We returned with an extremely happy and filled heart, thanking Lord for all the grace and guidance and opportunity provided, hoping, wishing and praying that we will get yet another opportunity to have dharshan here.