Holiday in Bali
बाली विनोदयात्रा
Dakshini Marathi Khajana
दक्षिणी मराठी खजाना
Bharatha Simham
Khape Ramachandra Acharya
Bharatasimham Vidya Bhushana Pandit Khape Ramachandra Acharya is as embodiment of the best type of Oriental learning. He is held in the highest regard in South India for his great and unequalled facility in expounding the Itihasas and Puranas. He has given an exposition of the Mahabharata on a dozen occasions and for his thorough mastery of the great classic he was awarded the title of “Bharata simham.” Similarly he has dealt with the Ramayana twenty-four time and the Bhagavatham over a hundred times. And on every occasion he used to attract large audiences.
This depth of knowledge was due partly to his heredity and partly to his own aptitude. He is the son of Dadacharya, the Guru of Rai Raya Rai Venkat Rao, who was the Dewan of Travancore, and later settling in Kumbakonam, built the Agraharam now known after him.
The profound scholarship of Ramachandracharya has been several times recognized by many learned bodies. He has been Examiner for the Tirupati Sabha; he has been given the Uttama Sambhavana by the Pudukottah Durbar; and he has been held in very high esteem by the Swami of Uttaradhi Mutt.
His son is Dr. R. Nagaraja Sarma, who got the title of Ph.D. in 1932 from the Madras University for his thesis, “The Reign of Realism in Indian Philosophy”, being an exposition in English of the ten great works of Sri Madhwacharya. He is also a frequent contributor to the columns of the “Hindu” on philosophical topics.